Davini in Italy
we are 474 ?!!? following

459 following Libero
Piemonte   9 (1.96%), Lombardia  67 (14.60
%), Trentino 1 (0.22%), Veneto  9 (1.96%), Friuli  2 (0.44%), Liguria 20 (4.36%), Emilia 2 (0.44%),  
Toscana  305 (66.45%),  Lazio 24 (5.23%), Abruzzi   3 (0.65%), Campania 7 (1.53%), Sicilia 1 (0.22   %), Sardegna 9 (1.96%)

  Roberto     wrote
It seems that our family in the middle age was driven from Lucca for political reason and they will emigrate into the near Pisa,as law men,  and in Prato (
see ) in the wool  industry.Successively they came back, in open order, into Lucca. This may be the reason because the different families don't have any relatives.

Stefano wrote:

In the National Library "Vittorio Emanuele " in Rome, he found that the surname is from Sanseverino (Marche region).

From this surname is  San Pacifico (Saint Pacificus), canonized from Papa Gregorio XVI (really is DATINI). In the 1561  Leonardo Davini was a  "podestą"(mayor) in Tolentino.During XVI century, in Tuscany, Leone captain of arms in Romein 1658.

Stefano have also a coats of  Davini, separated in 3 parts orizontally. On the top a bird of prey, the middle is red, and the bottom, with a blue background, have on the right a part of a castle.

DATA about Heraldy of the Davini (in Italian)

CENSUS OF GRAN DUCHY of TUSCANY, 1841 (in Italian)

  CIVIL STATUS of TUSCANY 1808-1837 (in Italian)

I DAVINI A PRATO 1779-1864
Andrea, Antonio, Carlo,Domenico, Francesco, Gaetano, Gasparo, Giovacchino, Giovanni, Giuseppe, Luigi,Nicola, Raffaello, Tobia, Tommaso, Vincenzio  Davini


Giovanni Davini, major of Prato from 1861 to january 1862,  e from january 1863 to january1864
(Source: Storia di Prato, Edizioni Cassa  di Risparmio e Depositi,Prato 1981)
20 january 1791, Angiolo Davini take 90 lire of oldage monthly pension

A. Davini, autor of  sonnets in Leghorn dialect, da Enciclopedy Treccani, vol. 34, pag. 102, "Toscana- letteratura dialettale"

Giovanni Battista ,doctor of medicine of His Serene Highness Rinaldo I, Duc of Reggio, Modena e Mirandola (1725),
in Italian,

Mario, painter ,1876-1951

Domenico, carpenter in Florence, 1849 ( document )
Renata , lyric singer, 1962

Pietro, sculptor , Lucca XIX sec, from Isa Velli Barsali, "Lucca, guida alla cittą", M.Pacini Fazzi, Lucca, 1988
 " Contratto della Vendita che fecero Giovanni e Domenico Davini...a Domenico del Cianca", 4pp., 1 march 1588

Books written in Italian

Distribution of surname in the Italian phone (by region): insert "Davini"on the left
or click on
Distribution of surname in the Italian phone (127 municipality)

update 2 nov 2002 (thank of  Leonor Mills for correction)